Today we went in for a growth ultrasound to see how big the little guy is getting; he's currently weighing in at 6 lbs which means that if he goes to 40 weeks he should be somewhere around 8.5 lbs. Keep in mind that these ultrasounds are definitely not known for accuracy and can be off by a pound in either direction.
Also, even though we're only at the 35 week mark, his head circumference put him at a gestational age of 39 weeks. (Another yikes.) Dr. Palmer (our maternal-fetal medicine specialist) took one look at Daniel and I and said "that's genetics for you, no way that the two of you weren't going to have a big-headed baby"!
They found a few points of concern today so it looks like we'll be getting additional ultrasounds every week until Henry decides to become an 'outside baby'. There was some urine backing up into his kidneys because his bladder was too full, evidently this is pretty common for boys (which I took to mean as: they're more trouble than girls from the very beginning), and his heart was throwing an extra beat every now and then. Dr. Palmer thinks that both problems are related to my sugar intake and can be fixed by diet change alone. EVIDENTLY the fact that I had apple juice with breakfast and jelly on my pb&j for lunch (paired with a sweet beverage) could be at fault. So I've decided that this week will be nothing but water, grilled chicken, and vegetables, then we'll see how next Wednesday's ultrasound goes! (To ease anyone's concerns, she really didn't think that we will see any lasting problems from either condition and everything should rectify soon.)
Another little tidbit- looks like Henry might be taking advantage of his Aunt Liz's skills pretty early on! The ultrasound tech discovered that Henry appears to have a pretty good mullet growing. (Yet again, yikes.)
Here are a few pictures- I'll try to help you make sense of them along the way:

Obviously, the u/s technician marked his ear for you- other than that I think Henry looks like a scary rat in this picture, so please don't look too closely

Here you can see Henry's profile shot (on the right side of the picture)- the bubbles that are in front of his nose/mouth are actually cross sections of the umbilical cord- and the white blob towards the left is a fist (*I think*)

This picture has Henry facing you directly (tilt your head to the right and he's looking straight at you)- you can see his right eye fairly well and he has his right fist (notice the Michelin baby arm) smushed up against his chubby right cheek. (Yes, 'smushed' is the technical term.)
This is another profile shot- again, head on the right side and fist on the left- I think this is my favorite because it looks like he's smoking a little cigar. In reality, the "smoke clouds" are again a view of the umbilical cord and he's sticking his tongue out which gives the appearance that he's laughing. Of course there's always the possibility that he's telling a priceless bar joke in utero (I never claimed to be an expert on ultrasound technology).
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