Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nursery Progress

No health updates this time, just a few pictures from the weekend- so glad there seems to be an end in sight for the nursery!

Assembling the Crib

Finished Product

(Please ignore all of the SIDS risks, they will be removed when Henry actually gets here!)

Henry's Future View

Monday, February 22, 2010

A little good news...

So, a few health updates.... Friday night (2/19) found me sick with quite a bit of vomiting (special thanks to Hollie and Daniel, yet again, for everything). Daniel called the on-call doctor who recommended that we go ahead and head to the hospital to get everything checked out. We ended up having to stay overnight, which was honestly quite miserable but a nice practice run to further prepare us for the real deal.

Our room was directly across the hall from the nursery which appears to be the equivalent of a hotel room or apartment located next to the elevators. I think this was an eye-opening experience for me as I was woken every 30 minutes by sounds that more closely resembled a donkey than a new child. Conversely, Daniel was able to sleep through it all which I'm sure bodes well for his future sleep habits :)

This is not to say that Daniel had it easy by any means. He was forced to spend the night on a "bed" that was nothing more than a 5 foot piece of plywood with 2 inches of cotton batting surrounding. Needless to say we were both miserable by the time morning rolled around.

When we were first admitted to the floor on Friday night they told us that we would be staying until Sunday to allow time for all of the test results to come back. After our first 12- extremely long- hours (during which there was discussion on how we could manage to escape), we were both so relieved to hear "you can stay if you want OR you can go home to finish the testing". We obviously chose to return home and spent the remainder of the weekend recovering from our sleep deprivation.

This afternoon we had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Cook who reviewed the latest lab results; everything from the hospital came back normal and the latest 24 hour protein count was under the 300 limit- so things are looking up this week! I also had the final steroid shot for Henry's lungs; even though we hope that they aren't necessary it's nice to know that he's been given every advantage possible if things change!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

There are only so many things you can do...

when you're stuck with your feet propped up on two large pillows. We'll see how long this blogging/website thing lasts; I'm definitely not making any promises. I do think this will be a fairly easy way to share updates and future pictures with everyone so I will at least try and give it a shot.

In the event that you haven't been keeping track (and I don't blame you since half of the time Daniel and I forget where we're at), the 30th week of our pregnancy is currently underway which means that Henry is now approximately the size of a squash. This doesn't seem too impressive until you remember he was only a poppyseed back in August.

Our last appointment with Dr. Cook (the baby doctor) was Thursday and it looks like we will be beginning twice weekly appointments from here on out. A little background in case the news hasn't spread: a couple of weeks ago Dr. Cook became concerned with some swelling in my feet and ordered an array of tests. The majority of the labs came back fine with minimal abnormalities, however, it was found that I am releasing more protein than is acceptable. The cutoff for protein is 300mg/24 hour period and I was at 350mg which is categorized as borderline pre-eclampsia. The good news is that there haven't been any problems with my blood pressure so far, which would be the most problematic part of pre-eclampsia. The bad news is that my blood pressure issues could change very quickly and become a serious situation.

Needless to say, we're going to handle the whole situation with quite a bit of caution. On Monday we will begin a series of steroid shots to further Henry's lung development in case he has to come early and I will only be working part-time from here on out (or until the doctor decides that full bed rest would be the safer option). Prayers/good thoughts are definitely appreciated as it looks like the next 10 weeks might be a bit rocky!

This news has kind of set a kink in our plans- everything around the house seems a little more urgent now. The nursery is coming along very well- thanks to Daniel- and should be finished next weekend, pictures to follow. We crossed the stroller and car seat off our to-do lists this weekend; at the very least, Henry will be able to travel home and should have a place to sleep if he were to come soon!